1️⃣ 激发您的创造力
Prompt:\”Generate 30 bold new ideas for [insert desired
output, e.g., social media posts about your product] in a dynamic brainstorming
翻译提示:“在动态头脑风暴会议中为[插入所需的输出,例如有关您产品的社交媒体帖子]产生 30 个大胆的新想法。”
2️⃣ 在工作面试中表现出色
Prompt:\”I am Interviewing for [enter position].
Share a comprehensive list of commonly asked interview questions for this role,
along with concise answers to each.\”
翻译提示:“我正在面试 [输入职位]。分享该职位常见面试问题的完整列表,以及每个问题的简明答案。”
3️⃣ 简化文件组织
Prompt:“How can I better organize my digital files
and folders to locate documents, eliminating unnecessary searching and saving
4️⃣ 超级解决问题
Prompt:“Provide me with a step-by-step solution to
the problem above. Guide me through each actionable step with precise
instructions to execute effectively.\”
5️⃣ 提高网站流量
Prompt: \”You are an SEO specialist. Develop
keyword-rich landing page content that boosts search visibility, engages
visitors, and entices sign ups for our newsletter or make a purchase using the
product description above\”
翻译提示:[插入产品描述]“您是 SEO 专家。开发关键字丰富的着陆页内容,以提高搜索可见性、吸引访问者并吸引注册我们的时事通讯或使用上面的产品描述进行购买”
6️⃣ 简化会议安排
Prompt:“What techniques or tools can I use to
simplify the process of scheduling meetings, reducing back-and-forth
communication and saving time.”
7️⃣ 从长文档中提取关键见解
Prompt:“Condense the following text into a concise
summary. Provide bullet points highlighting key insights and essential facts
for easy understanding.” [insert text]
翻译提示:“将以下文本压缩为简洁的摘要。提供突出关键见解和基本事实的要点,以便于理解。” [插入文字]
8️⃣ 完善你的写作
Prompt: [Paste in your writing] “Provide a thorough
proofreading of my writing above. Rectify grammar and spelling errors, and
offer constructive suggestions to improve the clarity and coherence of content.
9️⃣ 几秒钟内产生内容创意
Prompt:“Imagine you are a content creator. Generate
engaging social media posts [or other text] for a marketing campaign that
highlights our latest [insert product] and its unique [insert features]
enticing customers to make a purchase.”
10 提升客户体验
Prompt:[Insert email] “As a customer support
representative, draft an email response to the above email that addresses the
customer’s inquiries, provides solutions and leaves a positive impression.
翻译提示:[插入电子邮件] “作为客户支持代表,针对上述电子邮件起草一封电子邮件回复,解决客户的询问,提供解决方案并留下积极的印象。