
AI 绘画8个月前更新 aiziy
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大师作品 masterpiece
最好画质 best quality
更高质量 official art, extremely d…
高细节 highly detailed
超高分辨率 absurdres
8k分辨率 8k resolution

景深 Depth of field
全景 Panorama
长焦镜头 telephoto lens
微距镜头 macro lens
全身镜头 full body
中景镜头 medium shot
七分身镜头 cowboy shot
半身像 (profile picture)
写实肖像 close up portrait
第一人称视角 POV
鱼眼镜头 fisheye
部分水下拍摄 partially underwater shot

精致的五官 exquisite facial features
完美的脸 prefect face
发光皮肤 shiny skin
抽象背景 abstract background
蒸汽朋克 steampunk
赛博朋克 cyberpunk


女性 female
男性 male
女孩 girl
男孩 boy
正太 shota
萝莉 loli
美少女 bishoujo
美少男 bishounen
辣妹 gyaru
大小姐 ojousama
Q版人物 chibi
胖子 fat man
伪娘 crossdressing
天使 angel
魔鬼 devil
迷你女孩 minigirl
非人 no_humans
雌小鬼 mesugaki
怪物 monster
老人 elder
富豪 rich man
乞丐 beggar
巨人 titans
侏儒 dwarf
小丑 clown
奴隶 slave
雪女 yukiwo
酋长 sheik
女王 queen
女神 goddess
公主 princess
王子 prince
新娘 bride
新郎 bridegroom
肌肉男 muscle man
偶像 idol
兔女郎 bunny girl
怪物女孩 monster girl
狐狸女孩 fox girl
狼女孩 wolf girl
猫女孩 cat girl
木偶 marionette
黏土手办 nendoroid

单人 solo
多个女孩 multiple girls
双胞胎 twins
三胞胎 triplets
兄弟姐妹 brother and sister


救生员 lifeguard
拳击手 boxer
科学家 scientist
运动员 athletes
职场女性 office lady
和尚 monk
杂技演员 crobat
修女 nun
护士 nurse
空姐 stewardess
学生 student
女服务员 waitress
老师 teacher
赛车手 racer
警察 police
士兵 soldier
啦啦队 cheerleader
男演员 actor
女演员 actress
间谍 spy
特工 agent
刺客 assassin
诗人 poet
日本武士 samurai
舞女 dancing girl
摩托车手 motorcyclist
黑客 hacker
魔术师 magician
侦探 detective
人偶 doll
女仆 maid
飞行员 pilot
潜水员 diver
酒吧审查员 bar censor
传教士 missionary
消防员 firefighter
守门员 goalkeeper
厨师 chef
宇航员 astronaut
收银员 cashier
邮递员 mailman
咖啡师 barista
隐士 the hermit
牧羊人 makihitsuji

宝可梦 pokemon
泰迪熊 teddy bear
马里奥 mario
皮卡丘 pikachu
新世纪福音战士 neon genesis evangelion
初音未来 hatsune miku
哈利波特 harry potter
哆啦A梦 doraemon
圣斗士星矢 saint seiya
五条悟 gojou satoru
复仇者联盟 avengers
神奇女侠 mazinger
美国队长 captain america
蜡笔小新 crayon shin-chan
灌篮高手 slam dunk
孙悟空 sun wukong
女巫 witch
忍者 ninja
吸血鬼 vampire
骑士 knight
魔法少女 magical_girl
半兽人 orc
德鲁伊 druid
妖精 elf
小精灵 fairy
兽人 furry
美人鱼 mermaid
假面骑士 kamen rider
魔导师 magister
蜘蛛侠 spider-man
圣诞老人 santa alter



浓眉 thick eyebrows
眉毛翘起 cocked eyebrow
短眉毛 short eyebrows
V字眉 v-shaped eyebrows

空洞眼睛 empty eyes
睁大眼睛 wide eyes
闭上一只眼 one eye closed
半闭眼睛 half-closed eyes
渐变眼 gradient_eyes
水汪汪大眼 aqua eyes
翻白眼 rolling eyes
斗鸡眼 cross-eyed
猫眼 slit pupils
布满血丝的眼睛 bloodshot eyes
发光眼睛 glowing eyes
吊眼角 tsurime
垂眼角 tareme
恶魔眼 devil eyes
收缩的瞳孔 constricted pupils
魔瞳 devil pupils
蛇瞳 snake pupils
闪闪发光瞳 pupils sparkling
花形瞳 flower-shaped pupils
爱心瞳 heart-shaped pupils
异色瞳 heterochromia
美瞳 color contact lenses
长睫毛 longeyelashes
彩色睫毛 colored eyelashes
眼下痣 mole under eye

栗子嘴 chestnut mouth
厚嘴唇 thick lips
嘴唇浮肿 puffy lips
口红 lipstick
心形嘴 heart-shaped mouth
嘟嘴 pout
张嘴 open mouth
闭嘴 closed mouth
猫咪嘴 :3
鲨鱼嘴 shark mouth
吐舌头 :p
分开嘴唇 parted lips
嘴下痣 mole under mouth

动物耳朵 fake animal ears
猫耳朵 cat ears
狗耳朵 dog ears
狐狸耳朵 fox ears
兔子耳朵 bunny ears
熊耳朵 bear ears

胡须 beard
小胡子 mustache
山羊胡 goatee
长鬓角 long sideburns
尖牙 fangs
虎牙 canine teeth
咬紧牙关 clenched teeth


无表情 expressionless
脸色苍白 turn pale
2D脸红 blush stickers
脸红 blush
两眼发直 blank stare
青筋凸起 anger vein
尴尬 embarrassed
傲慢 hubrael
郁闷 depressed
畏缩 wince
烦恼 kilesha
阴暗脸 shaded face
疼痛 pain
尖叫 screaming
叹息 sigh
紧张 nervous
困惑 confused
害怕 scared
喝醉 drunk
哭 tears
悲伤 sad
生气 angry
害羞 nose blush
严肃 serious
鄙夷 jitome
疯狂 crazy
黑化 dark_persona
得意 smug
思考中 thinking
扬眉 raised eyebrow
轻皱眉 light frown
皱眉 frown
调皮脸 naughty face
做鬼脸 eyeid pull
流鼻血 nosebleed
困 sleepy
眯眼 zzz
流口水 drooling

微笑 light smile
假笑 false smile
挑逗笑容 seductive smile
疯狂笑容 crazy smile
邪恶笑容 evil smile
单侧嘴角上扬 smirk
诱人笑容 seductive smile
露齿笑 grin
大笑 laughing
杯型笑脸 :d



短发 short hair
中发 medium hair
长发 long hair
头发过肩 hair over shoulder

白发 white hair
金发 blonde hair
银发 silver hair
灰发 grey hair
棕发 brown hair
黑发 black hair
紫发 purple hair
红发 red hair
蓝发 blue hair
绿发 green hair
粉发 pink hair
橙发 orange hair
挑染 streaked hair
彩发 multicolored hair
彩虹发 rainbow-like hair

刘海 bangs
交叉刘海 crossed bang
眉间刘海 hair between eye
齐刘海 blunt bangs
斜刘海 diagonal bangs
不对称刘海 asymmetrical bangs
编织刘海 braided bangs

短马尾 short ponytail
侧马尾辫 side ponytail
前马尾辫 front ponytail
分裂马尾辫 split ponytail
低马尾辩 low twintails
短马尾辫 short twintails
侧边辫子 side braid
辫子 braid
双辫子 twin braids
马尾辫 ponytail
编织马尾 braided ponytail
法式辫 french braid
麻花辫 twists
高马尾 high ponytail

扎头发 tied hair
单侧发髻 single side bun
卷发 curly hair
直发 straight hair
波浪头 wavy hair
波波头 bob hair
侧分 slicked-back
雷鬼头 Reggae hair
蓬巴杜发型 pompadour
莫西干头 Mohawk
锅盖头 bowl cut
呆毛 ahoge
天线呆毛 antenna hair
心形呆毛 heart ahoge
公主卷 drill hair
翼状发 hair wings
蓬发 disheveled hair
凌乱发 messy hair
露颈盘发 chignon
编织发髻 braided bun
公主切 hime_cut
妹妹切 bob cut
刺猬头 spiked hair
盘发 updo
精灵短发 pixie cut
长发绺 dreadlocks
爆炸头 afro
秃头 bald
双丸子头 double bun
美式寸头 buzz cut
大体积蓬松头发 big hair
闪亮的头发 shiny hair
发光的头发 glowing hair
眼睛间的头发 hair between eyes
撩到耳后 hair behind ear


发带 hair ribbon
头巾 head scarf
动物头巾 animal hood
蝴蝶结发饰 hair bow
新月发饰 crescent hair ornament
洛丽塔发饰 lolita hairband
羽毛发饰 feather hair ornament
头花 hair flower
发髻 hair bun
发夹 hairclip
发箍 hair scrunchie
发圈 hair rings
发饰 hair ornament
发棒 hair stick
心形发饰 heart hair ornament

手链 bracelet
项圈 choker
金属项圈 metal collar
戒指 ring
腕带 wristband
吊坠 pendant
胸针 brooch
圈形耳环 hoop earrings
手镯 bangle
耳钉 stud earrings
旭日形首饰 sunburst
珍珠手链 pearl bracelet
耳坠 drop earrings
木偶戒指 puppet rings
胸花 corsage
蓝宝石胸针 sapphire brooch
珠宝首饰 jewelry
项链 necklace

丝带 ribbon
丝带饰边 ribbon trim
蕾丝饰边 lace trim
裙撑 skirt lift
护手 gauntlets
领巾 neckerchief
红领巾 red neckerchief
肩章 pauldrons
臂带 arm strap
臂镯 armlet
细肩带 spaghetti strap
般若面具 Prajna in mask
面纱 veil
新娘面纱 bridal veil
皇冠 tiara
迷你皇冠 mini crown
耳罩 ear covers
飞行员太阳镜 aviator sunglasses
无边框眼镜 semi-rimless eyewear
半无框眼镜 semi-rimless eyewear
太阳镜 sunglasses
风镜 goggles
独眼眼罩 eyepatch
黑色眼罩 black blindfold
铁棘 metal thorns
光环 halo
口罩 mouth mask
创口贴 bandaid hair ornament


过手袖 sleeves_past_fingers
背心 tank top
白衬衫 white shirt
水手衬衫 sailor shirt
T恤 T-shirt
毛衣 sweater
夏日长裙 summer dress
连帽衫 hoodie
毛领 fur trimmed colla
兜帽斗篷 hooded cloak
夹克 jacket
皮夹克 leather jacket
探险家夹克 safari jacket
兜帽 hood
牛仔夹克 denim jacket
高领夹克 turtleneck jacket
消防员夹克 firefighter jacket
透明夹克 see-through jacket
战壕大衣 trench coat
实验室外套 lab coat
羽绒服 Down Jackets
防弹盔甲 body armor
防弹衣 flak jacket
大衣 overcoat
粗呢大衣 duffel coat

透视装 transparent clothes
燕尾服 tailcoat
女仆装 Victoria black maid dress
水手服 sailor suit
学生服 school uniform
职场制服 bussiness suit
西装 suit
军装 military uniform
礼服 lucency full dress
汉服 hanfu
旗袍 cheongsam
和服 japanses clothes
运动服 sportswear
工装服 dungarees
婚纱 wedding dress
银色连衣裙 silvercleavage dress
长袍 robe
围裙 apron
快餐制服 fast food uniform
健身服 gym_uniform
巫女服 miko attire
海军陆战队服 SWAT uniform
无袖连衣裙 sleeveless dress
雨衣 raincoat
机甲衣 mech suit
巫师法袍 wizard robe
刺客装束 assassin-style

牛仔短裤 denim shorts
百褶裙 pleated skirt
热裤 short shorts
铅笔裙 pencil skirt
皮裙 leather skirt
黑色紧身裤 black leggings
和服下的裙子 skirt under kimono

褶边 frills
花边 lace
哥特风格 gothic
洛丽塔风格 lolita fashion
西部风格 western
湿身 wet clothes
露单肩 off_shoulder
露双肩 bare_shoulders
格子花纹 tartan
横条花纹 striped
披甲 armored skirt
盔甲 armor
金属盔甲 metal armor
狂战士铠甲 berserker armor
腰带 belt
围巾 scarf
披肩 cape
皮草披肩 fur shawl


棒球帽 Baseball cap
针织帽 Beanie
拿破仑帽 Bicorne
太阳帽 Boater hat
遮阳帽 Visor cap
圆顶礼帽 Bowler hat
报童帽 Cabbie hat
渔夫帽 Bucket hat
侦探帽 Fedora
牛仔帽 Cowboy hat
厨师帽 Chef hat
军官帽 Military hat
圣诞帽 Santa hat
派对帽 Party hat
小丑帽 Jester cap
安全帽 Hardhat
棒球头盔 Baseball helmet
橄榄球头盔 Football helmet
动物头盔 animal helmet
女巫帽 witch hat
贝雷帽 beret
鸭舌帽 peaked cap
草帽 Straw hat

裸足 bare_legs
靴子 boots
马丁靴 knee boots
脚踝靴 ankle boots
系带靴 cross-laced_footwear
战斗靴 combat boots
装甲靴 armored boots
过膝靴 knee boots
防水橡胶靴 rubber boots
皮靴 leather boots
雪地靴 snow boots
圣诞靴 santa boots
鞋子 shoes
厚底鞋 platform footwear
尖头鞋 pointy footwear
芭蕾舞鞋 ballet slippers
运动鞋 sneakers
旱冰鞋 roller skates
溜冰鞋 ice skates
钉鞋 spiked shoes
高跟鞋 high heels
玛丽珍鞋 mary janes
乐福鞋 loafers
女式学生鞋 uwabaki
凉鞋 sandals
木屐 geta
拖鞋 slippers
人字拖 flip-flops

不穿袜子 no socks
短袜 socks
日式厚底短袜 tabi
丝袜 stockings
圣诞袜 christmas stocking
暖腿袜 leg warmers
荷叶边袜子 frilled socks
丝带边袜子 ribbon-trimmed legwear
闪亮袜子 shiny legwear
褶边长筒袜 frilled thighhighs
过膝袜 thighhighs
渔网袜 fishnet stockings
堆堆袜 loose socks
裤袜 leggings
蕾丝裤袜 lace legwear
罗纹裤袜 ribbed legwear
湿连裤袜 wet pantyhose
格子裤袜 plaid legwear
透视裤袜 see-through legwear
连裤袜 pantyhose
撕裂的连裤袜 torn pantyhose
单腿连裤袜 single leg pantyhose
荷叶边连裤袜 frilled pantyhose
柳丁吊袜带 studded garter belt
吊袜带 sock dangle
大腿系带 thigh strap
腿部花边环 leg_garter
包扎腿 bandaged leg


宝可梦尾巴 pokemon tail
皮卡丘尾巴 pikachu tail
水獭尾巴 otter tail
蝎尾 scorpion tail
鹿尾 deer tail
黄鼠狼尾巴 weasel tail
羊驼尾巴 alpaca tail
恐龙尾巴 dinosaur tail
企鹅尾巴 penguin tail
羊尾巴 sheep tail
山羊尾巴 goat tail
海狸尾巴 beaver tail
小熊猫尾巴 red panda tail
豺尾巴 jackal tail
食蚁兽尾巴 anteater tail
土狼尾巴 aardwolf tail
猎豹尾巴 panther tail
熊猫尾巴 panda tail
天使尾巴 Angel wings

蝴蝶翅膀 Butterfly wings
昆虫翅膀 insect wings
蝙蝠翅膀 Bat wings
鸟翼 bird wings
羽翼 feathered wings
妖精翅膀 Fairy wings
龙之翼 Dragon wings
恶魔之翼 Demon wings
火焰翅膀 Fiery wings
机械翅膀 Mechanical wings
冰翅 ice crystal texture
冰火之翼 ((burning feathers)),(fea…

羚羊角 antelope horns
山羊角 goat horns
羊角 sheep horns
奶牛角 cow horns
公牛角 ox horns
鬼角 oni horns
断角 broken horn
机械角 mechanical horns
恶魔之角 demon horns
龙之角 dragon horns


侧身坐 yokozuwari
鸭子坐 ahirusuwari
盘腿 indian style
跪着 kneeling
躬躯 arched back
膝枕 lap pillow
学猫叫 paw pose
单膝跪地 one knee
蜷起身子侧躺 fetal position
仰卧 on back
俯卧 on stomach
坐着 sitting
屈膝抱腿坐 hugging own legs
立式跨骑 upright straddle
站着 standing
蹲着 squatting
绑在十字架上 crucifixion
双腿缠绕 leg lock
四肢着地 all fours
戴耳机 hand on headphones
鬼姿势 ghost pose
回头 turning around
歪头 head tilt
前倾 leaning forward

嘘手势 shushing
翘大拇指 thumbs up
手放脑后 arms behind head
手放身后 arms behind back
手插口袋 hand in pocket
双手插口袋 hands in pocket
十指相扣 interlocked fingers
V字手势 victory pose
手在地板上 hand on floor
手在额头上 hand on forehead
手在肚子上 hand on own stomach
手在肩膀上 arm over shoulder
手搭别人的腿 hand on another\’s leg
手搭别人的腰 hand on another\’s waist
双手合十 own hands clasped
翼展双臂 wide open arms
手放嘴边 hand to mouth
手枪手势 finger gun
猫爪手势 cat pose

远眺 looking afar
照镜子 looking at mirror
看手机 looking at phone
看向别处 looking away
透过刘海看 visible through hair
透过眼镜看 looking over glasses
面向观者 look at viewer
靠近观者 close to viewer
动态角度 dynamic angle
舞台角度 dramatic angle
凝视 stare
向上看 looking up
向下看 looking down
看向旁边 looking to the side
移开目光 looking away



嗅闻 smelling
公主抱 princess carry
拥抱 hug
背对背 back-to-back
耶 peace symbol
调整过膝袜 adjusting_thighhigh
抓住 grabbing
战斗姿态 fighting_stance
走 walking
跑 running
跨坐 straddling
跳 jump
飞 fly
靠墙 against wall
躺 lie
从背后抱 hug from behind
遛狗 walk a dog
提裙 skirt lift
泡温泉 half body under water
骑马 horse riding
自拍 selfie
一字马 standing split
敬礼 salute
祈祷 pray
冥想 doing a meditation

伸懒腰 stretch
托腮 gill support
牵手 holding hands
单手叉腰 hand_on_hip
双手叉腰 hands_on_hips
招手 waving
撮头发 hair scrunchie
拉头发 hair_pull
抓别人的头发 grabbing another\’s hair
竖中指 middle_finger
弯腰 bent over
亲吻脸颊 kissing cheek
亲吻额头 kissing forehead
踮起脚尖吻 tiptoe kiss
头顶水果 fruit on head
咬手套 glove biting
脸贴脸 cheek-to-cheek
手牵手 hand on another\’s hand
双手交叉 crossed arms
双手张开伸直 spread arms
挥动手臂 waving arms
伸出手臂 outstretched arm
用手臂支撑 carrying
搂着手臂 arm hug
拿着 holding
拿着餐刀 holding knife
拿着枪 holding gun
拿着杯子 holding cup
拿着食物 holding food
拿着书 holding book
拿着魔杖 holding wand
打着伞 holding umbrella
捧着花 holding flower
拿着麦克风 holding microphone
抱着物品 object hug
抱着心 holding heart



春天 in spring
夏天 in summer
秋天 in autumn
冬天 in winter
黄昏 dusk
夜晚 night
秋景 (autumn maple forest:1.3)…

太阳 sun
落日 sunset
月亮 moon
满月 full_moon
星星 stars
天空 sky
多云 cloudy
雨天 rain
冰雪 snow,ice
雪花 snowflakes
闪电 lighting
彩虹 rainbow
流星雨 meteor shower
宇宙 universe

大海 sea
山丘 hills
草地 in a meadow
海滩 on the beach
水中 underwater
海边 over the sea
树林 grove
沙漠 on a desert
高原 plateau
悬崖 cliff
峡谷 canyon
绿洲 oasis
竹林 bamboo forest
冰川 glacier
浮岛 floating island
火山 volcano
大草原 savanna
瀑布 waterfall
溪流 stream
荒地 wasteland
稻田 rice paddy
麦田 wheat field
花田 flower field
花海 flower sea

室内 indoor
窗帘 curtain
床 bed
浴室 bathroom
厕所隔间 toilet stall
宅男房间 otaku room
自助餐厅 cafeteria
教室 classroom
俱乐部 clubroom
沙龙 salon
酒吧 bar
居酒屋 izakaya
咖啡馆 cafe
面包店 bakery
便利店 convenience store
超市 supermarket
书店 bookstore
药店 pharmacy
剧院 theater
电影院 movie theater
温室 greenhouse
地库 dungeon
健身房 gym
医务室 infirmary
实验室 laboratory
图书馆 library
工作坊 workshop
舞台 stage
法庭 courtroom

城堡 castle
城市 city
水上乐园 waterpark
旋转木马 carousel
摩天轮 ferris wheel
水族馆 aquarium
动物园 zoo
保龄球馆 bowling alley
美术馆 art gallery
博物馆 museum
天文馆 planetarium
游泳池 swimming pool
体育场 stadium
寺庙 temple
巴士车站 bus stop
火车站 train station
喷泉 fountain
游乐场 playground
市场摊位 market stall
电话亭 phone booth
铁轨 railroad tracks
机场 airport
隧道 tunnel

新年 new year
兔年 year of the rabbit
情人节 valentine
元宵节 lantern festival
夏日祭 summer festival
七夕节 tanabata
中秋节 mid-autumn festival
万圣节 halloween
圣诞节 christmas
爆炸 explosion
蒸汽 water vapor
焰火 fireworks
落地窗 ceiling window
彩色玻璃 colourful glass
染色玻璃 stain glass
涂鸦墙 Graffiti wall
马赛克背景 mosaic background
液体背景 liquid background, Sputte…
魔法环 magic circles
荧光蘑菇森林 fluorescent mushroom fore…
彩色泡泡 (((colorful bubble)))


8bit游戏 8 Bit Game
80年代动画 1980s anime
迪士尼电影 disney movie
哥特摇滚 goth
80年代电影 80s movie
泡泡龙 bubble bobble
皮克斯动画 style of Pixar
宝丽来艺术 Polaroid art
万花筒摄影 Kaleidoscope Photography
欧泊渲染 opal render
色谱图 chemigram
吉卜力风格 Studio Ghibli
梦幻 dreamlike
签绘风格 (faux traditional media)
原神冲击 genshin impact
碧蓝航线 azur lane
舰队收藏 kantai collection
边缘行者 rebecca (cyberpunk)
电锯人 chainsaw man
魔法旋涡 Magic Vortex
柴油朋克 ((dieselpunk))
四格 4koma
杂志扫描 magazine scan
专辑封面 album cover
线条变粗 (lineart)
蒸汽波 synthwave
洛可可 (illustration),(paper fig…

单色的图片 monochrome
拼贴艺术 Collage
彩色玻璃工艺 Dalle de verre
像素画 pixel art
瓷画 Encaustic painting
水墨画 Ink wash painting
铜版雕刻 Mezzotint
剪影 silhouette
插画 illustration
水彩画 (((ink))), ((watercolor))
浮世绘 illustration,(((ukiyoe)))…
中国风 ((wash painting)),((ink s…
油画 ((dyeing)),((oil painting…
黑白草图 (posing sketch), (monoch…
手画草稿 sketch
铅笔速写 (monochrome), (gray scale…
彩铅画 (watercolor pencil)

新艺术主义 ((art nouveau))
古典主义 ((classicism))
未来主义 ((futurism))
达达主义 ((Dadaism))
抽象艺术 ((abstract art))
ASCII艺术 ((ASCII art))

穆夏风格 ((alphonse mucha))
莫奈风格 ((Monet style))

轮廓光 rim light
体积光 Volumetric Lighting
霓虹灯 glowing neon lights
电影级光照 Cinematic Lighting
透镜光晕 lens flare
金属光泽 metallic luster
氛围光照 moody lighting
丁达尔效应 Tyndall effect
漏光光效 light leaks
背景光 background light
自然光 available light



水魔法 ((water drops)),wet cloth…
冰魔法 beautiful detailed glow, …
冰系改 beautiful detailed glow,d…
星冰乐 beautiful detailed glow,d…
森林冰 ((detailed beautiful snow…
结晶法 (((crystals texture Hair)…
核爆法 beautiful detailed glow,(…
风魔法 ((breeze)), flying splash…
流沙法 ((surrounded by heavy flo…
雷电法 (detailed light), ((ligh…
圣光法 (sunlight),(angel),dynami…
苇名法 beautiful detailed pampas…
自然法 beautiful and delicate wa…
森林法 (detailed light) , feathe…
虹彩法 floating and rainbow long…
暗锁法 chain ring, chain storm, …
火烧云 beautiful detailed glow, …
城堡法 beautiful detailed glow, …
黄昏法 (water bloom), (delicate …
泡泡法 ((colorful bubble)),(flo…
蔷薇法 ((rose)), (vine), cage, b…
星空法 (starry tornado:1.4), sta…
月亮法 ((moon)), starry sky, (li…
雪月法 beautiful detailed glow, …
森火法 ((burning forest)), spark…
废土法 ((destroyed)),explosion, …
战甲法 mecha clothes, robot girl…
黄金法 Extremely gorgeous metal …
机娘法 mecha clothes, robot girl
死灵法 ink,(((bone))), (((ribs))…
水晶法 (((gorgeous crystal armor…
水森法 ((an extremely delicate a…
冰火法 (blue spark),(red and blu…
龙骑士 (anger), dragon horns, (…
坠落法 ((full body)),(helpless),…
水下法 ((underwater)),(beautiful…
秘境法 (extremely detailed CG un…
摄影法 (((masterpiece))), ((the …
摩登法 1980s (style),simple back…
血魔法 (white hair), red long ha…
唤龙术 ((dragon)), ((dragon back…
战姬法 hair fluttering in the wi…
龙机法 mecha clothes, robot girl…
星蝶术 ((Beautiful butterflies i…
学院法 blonde wavy hair, (shiny …
星霞海 walking, waves, wind,(((g…
冬雪法 beautiful detailed sky, n…

万物熔炉 ((((melt)))),(((((black a…
暗鸦法 Floating black ashes, Bea…
花火基础 dynamic angle, finely det…
星之彩 stars in the eyes, messy …
沉入星海 stars in the eyes, messy …
百溺法 dynamic angle, detailed w…
辉煌阳光法 ((messy hair)),(grassland…
星鬓法 Starry sky adorns hair, s…
森罗法 There are many scattered …
星天使 sunlight, extremely light…
黄金律 blonde hair, yellow eyes,…
机械姬 mechanical prosthesis,mec…
人鱼法 (incredibly absurdres), (…
末日 Blood Mist, background Ur…
碎梦 Space opera,Space port,ro…
幻碎梦 dynamic angle,rainbow hai…
血改法 (white hair),(((red strea…
留影术 dramatic shadows,black an…
飘花法 ((ink)),(water color),blo…

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